Little sad about this Queen’s Lament event…
Marked as spoiler for those who haven’t finished the event quest line. For those who have already or just don’t care, you’re welcome to continue.
I love this event. The energy, the aesthetic & the night music is just so perfectly beautiful to me 💜🖤🌕👻🗡️🐈⬛🥀🎶 It’s mysterious, enchanting, enticing & alluring, a little dark & melancholy, but still sweet & so very beautiful.
But unfortunately, once you complete the quest line for this event, the ethereal singing in the Queen‘s Palace Ruins area at night, is just gone 😢
Plot-wise, I get it.
But I really just love love loved exploring this area during the event, and losing this aspect of it bums me out more than I thought it would. (I’ve done everything there is to do, and now even the background music that set up the ambience is gone…💔)
Does this bother anyone else?