World shattered
I've recently learned the man I was going to marry, the only man I've ever loved, has had 2 fiancé's, me and another woman. He's been with her at least half of our relationship and god knows if there was other woman too. I only learned this information because the other woman was smart enough to have a funny feeling about me on his social media, she messaged my friends to get to me, saying it was urgent.
She was in my spam folder for at least 2 months. She asked if I knew him, and we both confirmed we were engaged to him. I sent a screenshot to him, and essentially called him a bad human being. He never answered, never texted, would not face me. But her and I have been talking and she would send me screenshot that he was calling her nonstop. He told her he never loved me, that I was bothering him and trying to reach him, that he was blocking me (I had blocked HIM from all social media).
To make it worse, I'm fairly positive now that his family and friends knew about both of us. He was SUPPORTED in this injustice. I have never felt so violated. This was my first love. Right now I'm missing someone that never even existed. The more I sit in silence and think, the more I can piece together the lies. The more I can see how awful a person I was connected to and loved really is.
I'm questioning not even if he loved me, but even liked me, or if he ever had any affection to me at any moment. Was I just a play he was acting in? If so he was so, so good and calculated. I've never felt so violated and used.