Creepy DMs from a guy with 0 self respect.

This guy reached out to me a few months back and we started talking almost everyday since then. He kept asking for my name,my pictures even after denying a multiple times. I stopped texting, he apologised, which seemed genuine. So we started talking back. Now last month, his texts started to get a bit creepy. He started talking to me about how “curvy” certain celebs and influencers are. Shared some inappropriate reels, and then that Selena’s picture which made me quite uncomfortable. That’s when I stopped responding back and yet he kept texting every few weeks.

I didn’t want to block him cause I personally don’t like blocking anyone immediately.

Then yesterday he texted me this, idk what made me take a screenshot of all the last messages, and dude goes on to delete ALL HIS MESSAGES. Ikr. Like 5 minutes later, the conversation just had my messages, I scrolled up, he was still deleting the initial messages, what a weirdo, lol.

That’s when I finally decided to block him. (I wish I did it earlier)

Posting it here, without hiding the name this time only to make you all aware about this guy, he’s still active on reddit and i bet is talking to a bunch of other girls. HE IS A CREEP. Do not text back.