Read this masterpiece!!!

As the title suggests !! Would love to find people who know about this gentleman Jiddu Krishnamurti and his work(he never himself wrote a book but talked a lot and those talkes are compiled and sold as book). He talks about HUMAN CONDITIONING and argues against Rituals, Relegion, Faith, Belief, Ideologies, Morality And Everything one knows about. In this particular books he subtly discusses Emptiness at core of human life which make them Uneasy and to erase this uneasiness they do different things but this emptiness is EVERLASTING. On of the quotes "OBSERVATION WITHOUT JUDGEMENT IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF HUMAN INTELLIGENCE"

As the title suggests !! Would love to find people who know about this gentleman Jiddu Krishnamurti and his work(he never himself wrote a book but talked a lot and those talkes are compiled and sold as book). He talks about HUMAN CONDITIONING and argues against Rituals, Relegion, Faith, Belief, Ideologies, Morality And Everything one knows about. In this particular books he subtly discusses Emptiness at core of human life which make them Uneasy and to erase this uneasiness they do different things but this emptiness is EVERLASTING. On of the quotes "OBSERVATION WITHOUT JUDGEMENT IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF HUMAN INTELLIGENCE"