So you know how the last drop always falls in your pants. Yeah, now that is starting to bother me.

Because I'm mostly at home, i don't wear underwear (its comfortable this way). Whenever I pee, no matter how long I wait the last drop always drops in my pants. Usually just gets absorbed at the top or drips down my leg (ew ik).

Because of this, my pants become smelly. They STINK of urine. Fortunately not much that others can notice but i definitely can smell it. (or maybe they're just not pointing it out??)

What the fuck can I do to stop this? One idea I came up with is peeing while sitting and using the health faucet spray to yk remove any pee drops that might be falling. But i often forget to do this.

Any other ideas are appreciated.

I'm afraid it might cause an infection if this keeps happening while im also wearing an underwear. Please don't tell me I'm the only one with this problem 😭🙏