I'm quitting porn forever
I discovered porn in 3rd grade, I mean no friend of mine " introduced" me to it. It's just that my father used to watch porn in the family computer but he wasn't very tech savvy so he never deleted the history after watching it, so one day when I opened the internet history I saw m1lf porn on there. I got curious and started watching it almost everyday, my curiosity became stronger and soon I was watching "🍇 porn " as a 9 year old, I discovered guro, beheading videos etc. was I turned on watching these violent videos? Absolutely not, I was actually horrified and scared but for some reason I would still watch it ( maybe because of curiosity?) and soon I started to think that those videos were normal and that it happens to all woman and also that those stuff will also happen to me when I grow up and that really scared me.
It was just my little mind trying to make a sense on what the purpose of those videos were. When I turned 12 I got proper sex education and was taught how these videos were just a k1nk/fetish of some fucked up people and how these videos aren't normal at all. I then got my first phone at 13 and started masturbating 3 times a week because it was apparently "normal" according to the internet. ( I used to masturbate in 5th grade without knowing what masturbation was but let's not talk about that)
I wasn't " addicted" to porn or masturbation but I still used to watch it atleast once a month during my ovulation phase. I thought that once a month is healthy and also because I used to watch vannilla porn. Now that I am 17 I have started to realise how damaging porn is to society. If you are a younger teenager reading this and think that porn in small amount is okay then I'm sorry but social media lied to you.
Nowadays you are a rude person if you kink shame ppl who get off to violent porn. Like if a man says that he likes to abuse and beat women then he is a mysoginist but as soon as he says that it's his fetish then suddenly it's "acceptable". The porn industry is exploiting women and making men like more violent porn. I also hate liberal feminists who say that sex work is empowering cuz it's not. It's exploitation of women. Porn is misogynistic. But these women are groomed to think that doing onlypans or prostitution is " girlboss". Porn doesn't benifits anyone, it only damages society. You won't trust a man who watches child po because it's his kink to be near your daughter then why would you let a man who watches 🍇 videos to be near your daughter?. Or would you let a man tutor your teenage daughter who watches tutor/student porn?
Please if you still watch porn then stop it, it's not healthy, they lied to you, porn isn't normal but it has been normalised by society. But just because something is normalised in society doesn't makes it right because back then slavery was legal and normal and now it's not.
Sorry this was just kinda like my rant but yeah I'M QUITTING PORN LESSGOOOOOO🗣️ and also bring back kinkshaming.