Bengaluru: The first city fell by AI

AI's biggest victim would be Bengaluru

The way things are moving towards, there is high chance of low salary IT employees are going to lose job en mass in Bengaluru in few weeks to months.

This is majorly going to affect PGs and businesses first, as usually these employees can only afford low cost housing. This will be evident from the massive layoffs that are going to happen in the upcoming months. Leading to the highest number of job reduction in the history of Bengaluru.

All the land lords around ORR who invested crores expecting returns for a long time are going to be heavily disappointed in the upcoming months as they see their investments loose it's sheen.

Traffic is going to improve around Bengaluru atleast in the short term around the ORR.

Why is this not evident yet to people and why this is ominous prediction. I work closely with other software engineers and we are seeing the similar effects of printing press did to education in software now. All nah sayers can reflect a little bit as it's very evident now that AI can do job of a low level software developer with much better confidence and accuracy for a very small price.

And next this will have profound effects in other parts of job market like finance, operations, chartered accounting etc with in few months post this. As automation is becoming a defacto step, rather than optimization.

This could be leading factor for the biggest down turn in history of India.

Good morning