r/Indiangaming 450K Giveaway Winners

Congratulations to the following winners. Please message the person assigned for your gift.

u/PRASHANT_SHUKLA_169 please dm u/ImPuLsErr for a game upto 1500 rs.

u/Sengero please dm u/Responsible_Belt5362 for a game upto 1500 rs.

u/Basic_Citron_2735 please dm u/iamfriendwithpixel for a game upto 1500 rs.

u/Akshat-Raj please dm u/R_I_C_K_Y for a gift card of 1000 rs.

u/Critical-Champion365 please dm u/R_I_C_K_Y for a gift card of 1000 rs.

u/Direct-Yellow-4947 please dm u/R_I_C_K_Y for a gift card of 1000 rs.

u/GoldboyStrike please dm u/R_I_C_K_Y for a gift card of 1000 rs.

u/SinglelikeSolo please dm u/dant3s for games upto 500 rs.

u/Organic_Pirate_3660 please dm u/dant3s for games upto 500 rs.

u/Omnipresentphone please dm u/dant3s for games upto 500 rs.

u/Random_Piece-of-shit please dm u/BhagwanComplex for a gift card of 500 rs.

u/SupremeKirby please dm u/BhagwanComplex for a gift card of 500 rs.

u/-0999 please dm u/BhagwanComplex for a gift card of 500 rs.

u/PERSEUS_J_ please dm u/BhagwanComplex for a gift card of 500 rs.

u/venkatx7 please dm u/dhowon123 for a game upto 300 rs.

u/xVEGITOGODx please dm u/dant3s for a game under 230 rs.

u/ryuk_bored please dm u/dant3s for a gift card of 500rs.

Congratulations once more to the above winners and hope you have a fun time with the games during the steam sale starting tonight.

Happy Holi guys and keep gaming.