India needs to pay attention to the recent train attack in Balochistan.

The Baloch people have fought for their freedom for 6-7 decades now and have recently taken their liberation struggle to the next level.

The attack on the train and their taking of large number of hostages should be studied carefully in my opinion. Pakistani leadership and media will obviously say "Raaa ka saajish etc." but the others who will be studying this academically will be terrorists who target our country. We should treat this as a wake up call for us to massively revamp the security and access to our railway platforms, trains and railway tracks.

We don't have any regions that can be equated to Balochistan but the Modus Operandi is scary. We have already seen attacks on our trains in Mumbai. Even on 26/11 CST was targetted.

Sincerely hope the best minds in the Indian security establishments are putting their mind to this problem and the politicians give them the resources to secure our railway networks.