Racism in College and University

Has anybody experienced this? I had high hopes before starting university. I thought that there would be less racism toward us because it's 2025. In Canada, there's been more awareness brought to residential schools and racism in health care.

Fast forward to today and I feel like a shell of my self sometimes. In one of my courses, they compared mortality rates between people in a wealthy province and people far up north in Nunavut. Their conclusion: mortality rates in British Columbia are lower because "BC is healthier". Can you believe that? There was no information provided about high rates of suicide up north that can be traced back to colonization, residential schools and Indian hospitals.

In my highschool, everyone who graduated, doesn't matter if they were Native, white, black, everybody, knew at least one person who took their life. And that's the example that was used in one of my courses.

I brought it up to our racial, equity and diversity committee. Then I met with our vice provost. Then our director had a meeting with the professors. I had to drop the course because of all the stress. Even after bringing it up, it didn't really go anywhere.

I had to re-take the course last semester, with the same professor as before. There was a 15% participation grade and I felt obligated to go, even though she stares at me in the course and gives me dirty looks. I went to go study, thinking that at least they changed the course content and what do you know, they used the exact same example about people in Nunvavut. Word for word, the same.

I just had a meeting with the racial equity committee leader again (meeting #5 about this) and I told them that this would be my last meeting about this shit. I trust they're going to take it more seriously this time. But my goodness, it shouldn't be this hard for native students to be heard. For these serious concerns to be addressed.

To be honest, there's so much more I could report but it would cause me more harm and I'm not sure it would even go anywhere based on this experience, where it takes a huge toll to create the smallest amount of change.

I'd love to hear your experiences and some solidarity because I feel so alone in this. I'm glad I stood up but it shouldn't have to be this way