Racism against Indians is increasing, why doesn’t the government interfere?

During the COVID-19 era, racism against Chinese people reached its peak. At a certain point, the Chinese government intervened, issuing notices to the United States and the United Nations, urging them to recognize the issue of racism against Chinese. The government also issued warnings to social media companies, pressing them to take action against such discrimination. Numerous campaigns were launched by the Chinese government, which significantly helped in curbing the prevalence of racism.

And then there’s our “Nikamma” government, which isn’t doing anything and is just waiting for this online hatred and racism to turn into real-life hate. It won’t be long before this happens. Racism against Indians has become so normal—when it’s against Black people, it’s called racism; when it’s against Asians, it’s called racism; but when it’s against Indians, it’s treated like it’s no big deal. It’s so frustrating! Some so-called intellectuals even justify this behavior. Platforms like Instagram and X (Twitter) promote hate against Indians. Just post something hateful about Indians, and it gets millions of views within hours. But if you say anything bad about Black people, your account gets banned. For Indians, though, it’s treated like it’s okay.

It’s high time the Indian government stepped up and took this seriously. They need to recognize the racism Indians face worldwide and take a strong stand against it. Social media platforms that allow hate to spread can’t be let off the hook—they should be held accountable for this toxic behavior. Ignoring the issue will only make things worse, and this normalization of hate against Indians will keep growing. It’s time to act—not just to protect the respect of Indians but to show the world that racism in any form won’t be tolerated.