[MOD] Emendatio Historiae Imperatoris

Hi! Posting here to share information and links about the mod I have launched with three other modders for Imperator. Feel free to ask questions or give feedback in this thread or in any of our platforms.

Emendatio Historiae Imperatoris


  • More than 100 new historical countries across the map
  • Modified map to represent the ancient coastline
  • Two new regions
  • Added a new nation formation decision
  • Annual consul elections
  • Senate appointments of offices in republics, with term limits
  • Progressive cultural and religious conversion through events






  1. Remove any EHI mod folders and .mod files inside Documents\Paradox Interactive\Imperator\mod
  2. Clear your gfx cache, by deleting the folder Documents\Paradox Interactive\Imperator\EHI\gfx
  3. Extract the downloaded archive
  4. Enter in the first folder of the extracted file and transfer its content to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Imperator\mod
  5. Launch Imperator
  6. Select the mod "Emendatio Historiae Imperatoris" in the Mod tab
  7. Play!


The aims are more historical accuracy, expanding upon existing vanilla content to give more flavour to the player and eventually work on adding new bookmarks in a modular format, with the core mod being mandatory and bookmarks optional. With this stated, I want to make it clear that the philosophy of this mod will be different from that of the vanilla game, in the sense that more emphasis will be put on plausibility. That will lead the mod to not just simply expand upon vanilla while keeping the spirit, but also to question some choices that have been made in the base game and change them for it to correspond with our vision.

Full list of changes

  • Implemented yearly consul elections
  • Added a Hibernian tribe : Ivernia (in Ivernia, Ivernia Borealis and Ivernia Australis)
  • Added Persis as independent Satrapy of the Seleucid Empire with Bagadates I as ruler
  • Added Naukratis and Ptolemais Hermiou as feudatories of Egypt
  • Added Hermunduria, Chattia, Chamavia, Bructeria, Sicambria, Suardonia, Harudia and Ambronia in Germania
  • Added a decision to form Francia
  • Slightly changed the decisions to form Saxonia and Suebia
  • Added Aequium, Capua, Catalia, Circeii, Fregellae, Marrucinia, Norba, Pompeii, Tibur and Vestinia as Italic minors
  • Added Arretium, Caere, Clusium, Cortona, Faesulae, Faliscia, Luca, Magellia, Perusia, Pisae, Populonia, Rusellae, Saena, Tarquinii, Vetulonia, Volaterrae, Volsinii and Vulci as Etruscan minors
  • Added Alpinia, Apuania, Bagiennia, Dectuninia, Iadatinia, Ilvates, Laevia, Lapicinia, Libicia, Maricia, Sabatia, Statiellia, Tigullia, and Vediantia in Liguria
  • Added Montunatia, Orumbovia, Vertamocoria and Votodronia in Cisalpine Gaul
  • Added Callipolis, Caracenia, Caudinia, Daunia, Elea, Hirpinia, Hydruntum, Luceria, Pentria, Peucetia and Skylletion in Magna Graecia
  • Added Eryx, Heraclea Minoa, Himera, Kale Akte, Lipara, Panormus, Segesta, Selinus, Soluntum and Tyndaris in Sicily
  • Added Cervinia, Licininia, Subasania, Sumbria, Tarabenia, Titiania and Venacini in Corsica
  • Added Aesaronensia, Caralis, Celsitania, Cornus, Corsia, Euthicania, Galillesia, Giddilitania, Lucuidonensia, Neapolis Sardinia, Neapolitania, Nora, Nurrensia, Olbia, Rucensia, Scapitania, Siculensia, Sossinatia, Sulcis, Tharrus and Tibulatia in Sardinia
  • Added Ardiaeia, Ceraunia, Daesitiatia, Docletaeia, Glintidionia, Labeataeia, Mezaeia, Melcumania, Narensia, Plaraeia, Sardeatia, Scirtaria and Siculotaeia in Illyria
  • Added Biephia, Britolagia, Ciagisia, Cotesia, Crobyzia, Obulensia, Piephigia, Sensia and Serria in Dacia
  • Added Celegeria, Colapiania, Cornacates, Osia, Tectosagia, Tolistobogia and Trocmia in Pannonia
  • Added Norici, Alaunia, Ambisontia, Ambitravia, Laiancia, Saevatia and Uberaci in Noricum
  • Added two new regions, Sardinia et Corsica and Sicilia
  • Removed the Magna Graecia region and split its provinces between the regions of Italia and Sicilia
  • Added a Sea Connection between Urgat and Meotae
  • Added Taurica, Aorsia, Iazgyia and Rhoxolania in Sarmatia
  • Changed the map to represent the ancient coastline of the Caspian sea and adjusted the provinces on the coast
  • Changed the historical Coat of Arms of Byzantion (Star and Crescent)
  • Changed the government of the South Arabians to Plutocratic Monarchies
  • Removed the pop assimilation and conversion actions, pops now assimilate and convert naturally over time through events
  • Disabled the office appointment for Republics and replaced them with Senate appointements
  • Historical Greek characters now have Greek names instead of Latinized ones
  • Restricted all office terms in Republics to two years!

Future plans

For now, there are the following plans, in no particular order:

  • Add new offices
  • Add and adjust more province boundaries
  • Add more historical countries
  • Make the fabricate claim option slower, rather than instant
  • Add bookmarks for the following dates: Pyrrhic War, First Punic War, Second Punic War, War of Antiochos, Third Punic War, Social War


These are the current participants in the project:

  • Thure
  • Ispil
  • IlikeTrains
  • loup99

Anyone is welcome to join or participate!


  • Paradox, for creating Imperator: Rome!