So...what are everyone's thoughts on the new Hunter
Because I fucking DESPISE him. I had hopes that the unique mechanic of his attacks wouldn't be so overbearing because it required 3 hits at different angles or his jump wouldn't be too strong...but I was wrong. Dead fucking wrong. He is so god damn unfair to go against, I really don't know how they ever thought this was an acceptable state for him to release in.
I've had several matches now where there would have been no way a Hunter would have reached me in time from him going across the river in Moonlight or literally jumping onto the 2nd story of a building like the ship in Lakeside & giving no room to breathe because they move as fast as Naiaid except he can still attack(from both up close & at a range) with no cooldown inbetween his attacks. Just...relentless attack after attack after attack after attack with no end in sight. And to top it off, he constantly Silences you so you can't do anything against him(even Flywheel gets locked) or he Slows you down with the Black Stage so he can very easily land the next two hits with absolutely no counterplay at all; that's literally the "meta" with his attacks, land Red/White, then Black, then keep them in Black before switching to the last stage(which is easy because the Black Slows you down & he moves fast as hell already so the follow up is pretty much handed to you), then repeat.
I think I'm actually going to go back to playing Hunter-only again, because I seriously believe going against 4-stack of smurfs would be a more enjoyable experience than 1 match against him. I know the Hunter is new & everyone is trying him out, but I don't think I've seen any of them Lose after the first week, its just been Win or Tie for them every match I've gotten them in.
I don't know if he's being played in Blackjack as much or if they ever plan on nerfing him(hahaha, yeah right), but if he is I guess I'll just be playing as Hunter or Copycat exclusivey until then. Literally the least amount of fun I have ever had playing this game, even surpassing when Geisha/Naiad/BQ were the only Hunters you'd see for months on end.