Negative result 11 days after transfer

Hey all,

I'm reading so many different things but basically tested today after transfer on 4th March (11.5days ago) and got a negative. But originally they told me to test 17th then on the day said 15th would be day 11 but as they are closed to do it on the Monday.

I'm just wondering if there is a chance I actually may have been successful despite some bad odds... I've still not started my period which was due yesterday and had some early pregnancy symptoms over past two/three days which at the time I was wondering if it was period pains etc... I had a frozen transfer that didn't fully expand but all cells were ok and I've read with frozen transfers they can sometimes take a little longer to implant and therefore take longer for HGC levels to rise. My question really is- should I just be facing facts that it has failed or is it hopeful that I could still get a positive result after a few days?

Sorry just need to get this out of my thoughts! X