So Sad
18 AFC, 12 follicles ended up growing to great size and seemed to respond very well to the meds. We were thrilled! Just got home from my retrieval and only 3 eggs were retrieved, all the other follicles were completely empty. I didn’t ovulate early and I know quality over quantity but I worked so hard for so long gearing up for this and I’m just so sad. I also know only 3 is something I do need to be incredibly grateful for, was just expecting more and let my excitement and expectations get the best of me. Thanks for listening, I’ll know tomorrow if any fertilized. 🩷
UPDATE Thank you all so much for your thoughtful stories, comments and hugs. They mean SO much.
of the 3 eggs, 2 were mature and two fertilized.
My Dr and I believe my Lupron trigger failed and that’s why the other 9-10 eggs were empty. We are attempting a rescue HCG trigger and second retrieval on Wednesday. Will update then.
The second trigger didn’t help and nothing was found.
My 2 weren’t able to reach blastocyst. 😭😭😭😭