Small Fibroids
So we finally made it to transfer cycle after 2 ERs. We have banked 3 euploid and 1 LLM embryos. I have had 2 hysteroscopy procedures for polyps, with the most recent in February. My lining has been looking great since (woohooo!). In an abundance of pre-caution, we did another SIS during the start of this cycle to make sure no polyps came back. The good news is no polyps were found and the cavity looks normal shape and smooth perfect lining. However, the doc found 2 small fibroids. First one is very small (1 cm) and on the very outside of the uterus. Second is small (2cm) and is not inside the uterus but he couldn’t tell if it was in the muscle or outside the uterus completely. I don’t have heavy periods and I have almost non existent cramping. RE said they are of zero concern to him bc there are not impacting the shape of the uterus or inside and they have never been visible on my hysteroscopys or in any other scans (the millions of ultrasounds, SIS, HSG etc). I guess my question is- if you have been in this boat, did you proceed with transfer and find success? I have been reading a lot of people getting them removed or failing but it seems like that’s if they are in the uterus or causing distortions?