Need Some Advice - Unsure of Future, What Should I Do?
Hey everyone,
I’m currently in a bit of a career limbo and could really use some advice. Right now, I’m working as a temp help desk technician, filling in for the senior tech who’s out on sick leave. From what I’ve heard, he’s still planning to come back, but I don’t have any clarity on whether they’ll keep me on in a full-time role once he returns.
I’ve been making sure to stay on top of all the work, keeping tickets organized, and assisting with any additional projects that come up. I want to show that I’m a valuable addition to the team, but with the uncertainty of the senior tech’s return, I’m not sure what the best approach is to secure a long-term position here (if that’s even an option).
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Should I talk to my manager about the potential for a permanent role, or would that come off as pushy? And if this temp position doesn’t turn into a full-time gig, any tips on leveraging this experience to land a new job?
Thanks in advance for any advice or insight you can share!