Strong 8K and multiple connections?
I have a panel from Strong that I have created an account for my living room. I also purchased a 1 year account from the same seller on Z2U for my sons room as I used all the credits from the panel for friends. I run both user names and passwords in the reseller panel on IPTVeditor and have used the credentials on 2 different devices a shield in the living room and the Firestick in his room. When he gets on strong on his room I cant connect on the shield as I get error 458 the standard error for to many connections. I also can see the channel he is watching on my Strong reseller panel under my living room account user name and password. Anyone know what I can do to fix this I thought I could have 2 separate connections from the same IP address as long as I had separate accounts i.e. 2 different sets of credentials. I dont run any VPN's on any of the devices I would assume this could fix the issue