Per RACER story on Nashville promoter change, Denver street race may be on the cards for 2027
Won't repost it since the Pruett Bomb is buried at the bottom of the Racer article about the Nashville promoter change:
The unexpected change comes as Roger Penske’s firm amasses more control over IndyCar’s 17 events. Penske Entertainment is responsible for putting on the Long Beach Grand Prix, Indianapolis Grand Prix, Indianapolis 500, Detroit Grand Prix, Iowa Speedway doubleheader, Milwaukee, Nashville, is centrally involved in the upcoming Arlington Grand Prix for 2026 and is active in the formation of a long-desired street race in Denver that’s tentatively scheduled for 2027.
So sounds like there's some actual smoke on the Denver rumors, and this is the first time we've had a tentative date mentioned. Doug Boles hinted that Denver was a market under consideration last year at a livery launch they held here for Scotty Mac, and there's been constant rumblings about the series returning.
Location-wise, the Kroenkes got approval to redevelop the area around Ball Arena that hosted the series in the past, with construction slated to start as early as 2026, so it's highly unlikely that they will return there. The Civic Center Park circuit is also unlikely due to lack of space for grandstands (the empty lots of the 1990-1991 track are now high rises) and the effect of closing down that part of downtown pissing a lot of people off. So likely, look for something either right in downtown (90 degree angles for all!) or at Mile High Stadium (as long as it doesn't mess with planned construction there and also the Broncos might move to a new stadium).
If Penske Entertainment is promoting, my guess they may have a locally-based title sponsor lined up already that's active in the series and is a Penske B2B partner. Sonsio Grand Prix of Denver, anyone?