Old IMG, No USCE, Matched

Hey everyone, now that I've had time to process, I thought I'd share my longshot application CV. I am writing this to encourage old grads not to be discouraged and give it a go.


Visa requiring non-US IMG

Step 1 -P

Step 2 -24x

ECFMG certified

Step 3 not done

YOG - 2016

USCE- none

3 LORs - all from home country consultants

Have home country residency in peds

2 case study pubs, 2 international conference poster presentations all in peds

Very targeted application- 50 programs, 3 IVs. = Matched into peds.

Some take aways (my personal opinion and sage advise I received):

  1. Your credentials are what they are, don't fret over things you can't change

  2. Pay particular attention to your PS, make it personalised and communicate your journey effectively- your English need not be perfect, just relatable, so stay away from AI/LLMs- speak your truth

  3. Work on interview skills- come of as confident but willing to learn, be upfront about your weaknesses and highlight your skills. They are more likely to like you if you're earnest.

  4. Don't waste your money/ brain space on programs that don't want you, do your research before applying.

Again, just my thoughts, feel free to disagree.

Congratulations to everyone who matched and all the best to guys in SOAP- it shall be well.

And finally thanks to the community for all your help and advise. Have a wonderful week :)