
Uploaded my EE, TOK and HLE recently. Had my graduation ceremony. Took a ton of pictures. Had my mocks. Signed and had people sign my school uniform. For once we had the school library to ourselves.

Is it just me? Or are we all experiencing some difficulty in reconciling with the fact that our school days in secondary school are coming to an end?

Funny how it always seems like a place becomes better when you leave, but honestly I only feel grateful that I was able to experience what I experienced. No more last minute cramming before tests and exams, no more submissions to make that show up as submitted in "less than a minute" on ManageBac, no more training on school courts, no more teachers berating us for not tucking in our shirts, or wearing wrong-colour socks, or wearing our own cool jackets...

Last 3-something weeks of school, last stretch of land to cover. Never in my life have I ever felt this confident that I'll be able to cover all required content, this assured that I can walk into the exam with confidence and try my best. Never in my life have I consumed so much caffeine and paracetamol pills in a month. Never in my life have I stayed off social media for so long.

Had an epiphany recently, there's no point holding grudges anymore, you're better than that. You won't be seeing these shitty teachers and dumbass classmates for much longer anyways, one day you might even miss teasing them, dissing them and putting slander on their names (or having that done to you). Guess it's a good time to let go and focus on what matters...

We got this boys (and girls)!