Anyone with hypothyroidism swing hyperthyroid from UV rays/sun/tanning beds exposure??
Anyone experience hyperthyroidism from sun or tanning bed exposure?
I’ve been dealing with hypothyroidism mostly but I seem to semi regularly swing hyper. I had hypothyroid symptoms that started mild 10 years ago and get worse post partum, but went undiagnosed. Then Last summer I went very hyper TSH was 0. Had to go on beta blockers and everything. Then went hypo. Started synthroid. And I live in a more northern climate and as we had less and less sun in the winter I felt worse, more hypo. I tried tanning beds and they made me feel more like my normal self but gave me some hyperthyroid symptoms. So I stopped. Then went more hypo, had to up synthroid. But the days are getting longer again and I had a walk in sunshine last week and felt AMAZING. Back to normal. But then no sun for a few days and felt very hypo and depressed and cried easily. Had a little more sun and feel great again. Then there was a cloudy forecast for days and I got worried so I went to a tanning bed and it sent me into some hyperthyroid symptoms symptoms, insomnia, increased energy, some irritability, anxiety/racing thoughts, feel hot for once, after feeling cold all winter even in normal temperatures indoors.
I think UV is causing my thyroid to overact. I am 100% convinced. I can’t find anything online about it though. So I’m confused. Even if I was low in vitamin D, which I probably am as supplements cause insomnia for me. Yes the sun might make me feel Better with more vitamin D but it shouldn’t make me hyperthyroid?? But it is.
Anyone else experience this!?!