My husband keeps making “jokes” about having more children
My husband has quit his job to care for me full time with my HG. He is my number one supporter and has gone above and beyond for me. But he won’t stop making comments about having another baby. I am literally 10 weeks pregnant, two weeks ago telling him I wanted to terminate because of how miserable I was.
Now I’m less miserable on my Reglan pump but still never wanting to go through this trauma again. I just feel so invalidated every single time he mentions it so casually. I’ve been pretty clear that as of right now I absolutely do not want to be pregnant ever ever again.
I feel guilty he wants more children and I’m just not willing to do this again. I’ll save up for a surrogate, I will adopt, but I can’t get pregnant with a second. We argue about this so much.
Not sure if anyone else can relate, or if I’m overreacting.