Opponent #2: Omega George

Artist: @mel.cabre via Instagram

Average size: 45 ft long, 40 ft tall, weight 24 tons

  1. Gigantopithicus - Base body, human like hands

  2. Argentinosaurus- Large size increase, air sacs

  3. Desmatosuchus- Armored underbelly

  4. Deinotherium- Elephant intelligence, feet pads, thick skin, modified tusks

  5. Hedgehog- Venom resistance, short quills, rubbing dung on their quills, excellent sense of smell

  6. Hexaprotodon- Thick skin, aquatic swimming, jaw structure

  7. Glyptodon- Armored shells, armor rings

  8. Cape Buffalo- Broad horns, more muscular body, muscular hump

  9. Cave Bear- Base body posture, forearms

  10. Wombat- Burrowing ability, THICC butt

Artist: @mel.cabre via Instagram

Average size: 45 ft long, 40 ft tall, weight 24 tons

  1. Gigantopithicus - Base body, human like hands

  2. Argentinosaurus- Large size increase, air sacs

  3. Desmatosuchus- Armored underbelly

  4. Deinotherium- Elephant intelligence, feet pads, thick skin, modified tusks

  5. Hedgehog- Venom resistance, short quills, rubbing dung on their quills, excellent sense of smell

  6. Hexaprotodon- Thick skin, aquatic swimming, jaw structure

  7. Glyptodon- Armored shells, armor rings

  8. Cape Buffalo- Broad horns, more muscular body, muscular hump

  9. Cave Bear- Base body posture, forearms

  10. Wombat- Burrowing ability, THICC butt