My Hunter X Hunter predictions [Part 1 of 3]
These are my predictions for the future arcs of HxH. The prediction of the Kurta clan origin used here has been partially taken from a deleted user.
- Halkenburg will finally be serious in the succession war after having his conversation with Nasubi.
- Halkenburg will first go after Benjamin for attacking him via Shikaku and killing Salé-salé via Yushohi. He will succeed in killing Benjamin, showing everyone how dangerous he is.
- Camilla, currently imprisoned by Benjamin, will free herself in the battle between Halkenburg's and Benjamin's forces. Halkenburg will spare her after warning her.
- All the lower princes will start supporting Halkenburg as they expect him to win/stop the war without killing everyone.
- Camilla, being humiliated, will try to cut off Halkenburg's support by going after the lower princes supporting him.
- She will start by attacking Fugetsu first, prompting Kacho to attack Camilla.
- Camilla will gladly let herself be killed by Kacho, as she knows she will resurrect herself using Kacho's life force due to her Guardian Nen Beast (Cat's Name). But while getting killed, she will realise that Kacho has already died, and it was her GNB (Without you). So she has no life force to absorb. This will result in Camilla dying. Fugetsu will be devastated to learn Kacho was dead all along.
- Zhang Lei will go after Marayam, and his forces will have to fight Biscuit. They all get killed by her, including Zhang Lei.
- The Black Whale will reach the fake island, where all the unimportant civilians will depart. The main characters (Beyond's group, remaining princes and their bodyguards, the Zodiacs, the Phantom Troupe, Hisoka, etc) will head off to the real dark continent. The mafia will tag along too, as their benefactor princes will have informed them that the previous island was fake.
- In the dark continent, Beyond's group and Sayuu will try to break out Beyond. Sayuu will get caught by Mizaistom, but still, Beyond and his team would escape.
- Pariston will lead Beyond and his team to Zobae. It will be revealed that Pariston wanted them to capture Zobae. Pariston intends to create an army of Zobae zombies and command them himself. He can be shown to have some research done on it by some scientists on his payroll.
- Zobae will be captured, but Ging will somehow prevent Pariston from getting it, resulting in Zobae escaping and rendering the whole fight to capture it futile.
- Beyond then will find and will try to fight Helbel (the snake calamity). It will be revealed that his father, Isaac Netero, fought Helbel. He couldn't win but somehow extracted some poison from it (Helbel is a snake, so I guess it has some poison). This is the poison Isaac used in his technique the Poor Man's Rose. He specifically wanted that poison for such a dangerous last resort move in case a serious threat occurred. That is why he went to the DC twice, the first time discovering Helbel, the second time with the specific goal to get the poison. The second time he went with Zigg Zoldyck and Linne Horsdoeuvre, maybe because they had some healing capabilities that could prevent Isaac from dying due to Helbel's poison. Maybe they planned that Isaac would get bitten by Helbel on purpose, and the others would extract the poison from his body to collect it.
- Beyond wants to prove he is stronger than his father and wants to defeat Helbel. But he will lose and die (he could never be as strong as his father).
- Meanwhile, Hisoka will kill many other Phantom Troupe members, resulting in him having another one on one fight with Chrollo.
- Again, Hisoka would lose, and this time will die for good.
- Kurapika will kill the remaining PT members (except Illumi). But all this will lead to Kurapika almost dying.
- One or two members may die due to monsters and stuff too. But in the end, all will die except Chrollo (I know many will hate this idea).
- Even though Kurapika is dying, he would like to finish the job by killing Chrollo, but knows that it would be a suicide mission. He will be then stopped by Leorio. Leorio will find some medicinal herbs in the DC, and cure Kurapika (after all, his skills as a doctor should come in handy someday). He will convince Kurapika to give up his quest for revenge. In this way, he will save his friend. In his backstory, Leorio failed to save his childhood friend, but will now make amends by saving Kurapika. So Kurapika will just ignore Chrollo.
- Chrollo will be left alone and depressed as all his friends are dead. His condition will mirror Kurapika's after the Kurta clan was massacred. The last panel of Chrollo will be just sitting in the DC, with no will to live (mostly will be killed by monsters).
- Nasubi will die due to some monster, and this will result in the succession war being stopped for the first time in Kakin's history.
- The remaining princes will decide among themselves to stop fighting. Cheadle will also interfere and will force them to stop the succession war, as she thinks democracy will be best for Kakin. A succession war would mean a monarch by tradition, and she fears many Kakin citizens will want a monarch if they win the succession war due to people's love for old traditions.
- But Halkenburg will be cautious of Tserriednich after somehow learning his true nature. He will then be conflicted about whether he should kill him or not. He will fear Tserriednich somehow backstabbing and killing him, but still considers Tserriednich as the only person who was like a family to him.
- In the end, he will decide to kill him, as Tserriednich is an evil psychopath. The moment he tries to kill him, Tserriednich will also try to do the same to him. Halkenburg will then realise how the succession war brought out the worst in him, as his thinking became the same as someone evil like Tserriednich. He hated the fact that his siblings were getting killed, but in the end, he too did the same by killing Benjamin.
- So, in the end, the surviving princes would be Tubeppa, Tyson, Luzurus, Fugetsu, Marayam, and Woble.
- Tubeppa is quite ambitious and wants to rule, but fearing Kurapika (who encourages no more killing), she agrees to stop the succession war. She thinks that when they return to Kakin, she will somehow gain public support and become the ruler as the others are quite young (except Tyson, who is childish, and Luzurus, who is lazy).
Part 2 and 3 are in another post. Suggestions for improvements are welcome.