Don't nerf Centennial, just buff Vetterli

In the upcoming patch it was said that Vetterli gets an Iron Eye buff, while Centennial gets firerate reduction, but Centennial is fair and fun!

Please, don't nerf Centennial in any way, it's perfectly balanced as is!

If you want Vetterli be a more viable choice than the counterparts, just make it better by introducing more buffs, as bringing down Centennial would make it overall worse, and mirror the problem, hurting an existing gun instead simply helping one that needs it(Vetterli)

Maybe you could revert HV ammo damage nerf, at least for Vetterli, so it retains the damage, it's main quirk, and can down hunter with 125 HP even when using HV ammo. The scoped variants, especially Marksman, would benefit a lot

Or maybe boost Vetterli FMJ velocity just a little bit, make it have less penalties with other special ammo types it has, so it's has that as a new quirk to be viable and unique

Or maybe only keep the Iron Eye buff and see how it performs, before further buffs

Honestly, I started to use Vetterli a lot more after the pen changes and medium ammo bullet drop increase, making incendiary Vetterli suddenly viable and fun

Please, focus on Vetterli itself, no need to break Centennial. It's great to see Vetterli finally getting some love, but no need to harm something that's already good, making another problem