I'm here to complain

UI sucks we've heard that a lot so that's all I'll say about it but man why did they have to go and rename so many guns? Like I guess I get it but on top of everything being where you least expect it it's named something else now (centennial I'm looking at you) but something that mad me regret even buying new skins was the changes to necro. I understand something had to be done and I agree but I love solo play and they honestly needed it too hard. Not only is it one time use it also burns up and I think that's ridiculous. So I still have to pay 4 perk points to buy necro again? Ideally being able to use it twice would be fine. I probably wouldn't be whining if I didn't have to buy it again though. Other than that the map is gorgeous and it looks great but geez they dropped the ball.