[hiring] space desktop wallpaper

I have a very specific image in mind for a desktop wallpaper. I tried using an AI imagr generator (sorry if that's a poisoned term around here) and the results were ok but not perfect. Then I thought "screw AI, I'd rather pay an artist". Here's the prompt I used for an idea of what I'm looking for.

"An image of a young woman sitting in the round window of a space station, looking out into space. The window is oriented to the right two thirds of the image, with the left side fading to black. The woman's legs are curled up while she sits on the window sill, which is furnished as a comfortable rounded bay seat. Her back is to the right of the window, and the window is about twice her size. The station is cosy and homely, clearly lived in and supporting a long journey. There are trappings of home and hanging plants, with warm colours and hints of blue industrial. The view outside is wondrous, but not fantastical, stars, a planet in the distance, and a colourful nebula. Themes of: melancholy, wonder, isolation, saudade, peaceful joy."

Can anyone help?

Also, forgive any ignorance from me about this process. Eg what's a fair price? AU$100?? First time here!