Haymitch and Katniss
So I just finished re-reading the first Hunger Games books because...of course I did. Haymitch has been completely re contextualized. I'll be moving on to Catching Fire after I type this up but I have to say that the dynamic between Haymitch and Katniss might be my favorite aspect of this entire franchise.
Haymitch was the proto mockingjay. There is no doubt in my mind. He was to be the one to begin a revolution in the eyes of Plutarch. He was from the poorest district. He was fed these hints and plots for dismantling the capitol. He was the symbol Plutarch had been waiting for. And despite his efforts, they failed. Instead of a symbol of resistance, Haymitch became a horrifying warning.
I can't confirm it...but I imagine that's what happened to Johanna Mason too. And I'm gonna wait until I get through Catching Fire and Mockingjay but I have some suspicions. But back to Haymitch.
Re-reading this book, I start to notice how utterly protective of her he is. He knows this type of person. He was this type of person. And he knows exactly how someone might try to use her the way that he was used. Peeta was right. The two were just alike. Haymitch utterly hates how similar Katniss is to him. This child of one of his best friends and a dear friend of Maysilee (Rest in power, queen)
I don't know. Everything I see him do he seems to be trying to shield her from manipulation. It's been a while since I read Catching Fire and Mockingjay but it kind of feels that way too. Especially when they're trying to get Katniss to do the Propos and she's just terrible at it. She can see how Plutarch is trying to manipulate her and he will -not- stand for it.
But they're different in one way that I think makes all of the difference to Haymitch. Haymitch did everything he did in the arena because he was ready to die for the people he loved.
Katniss did everything she did because she wanted to live for all of the people she loved.
And that's what made her different. That's what inspired him. That's what gave him hope that she would be the success where he (and probably Johanna) failed.
Idk. I'm just a sucker for this kind of thing. Found family? Be still, my heart.