How to do html injections

Alright a lot of you might have seen people sending images or even videos. They are not moderators. They are simply people using a method called HTML injection. In order to do this, you will need to follow some very specific steps.

  1. Find a way to bypass not being allowed to paste. I am using a iPhone so I got a third party app (WordBoard) but you might use something different. If you use android: Use a third party app. Shouldn’t be hard to find. If you use a PC. Open a text editor and write something in that. Then highlight it and drag the text into human or not.

  2. The code. Due to the fact human or not has banned the characters < and > and = you have to use escape sequences. &lt for <, &gt for > and &#61 for =. Then, you can inject like normal.

  3. How to inject. This depends on what you are injecting. For images you use

&ltimg src&#61"https:////"&gt

For audio, use

&ltaudio controls autoplay&gt &ltsource src&#61"https:////" &lt/audio&gt

For video, use

<video autoplay < source src&#61"https:////"›</video&gt

MAKE SURE TO USE 4 SLASHES! Otherwise you will get the message link blocked. Use to upload files. If you have any questions or suggestions, put them in the comments.

EDIT: HTML Injections have been patched. They no longer work. Do not attempt to use them.