New to Huel, Glucose meter results!
I found myself hesitant to update this because of some private messages I recieved over this.
A couple of things. Anyone who wants to know how their body responds to Huel should talk to their doctor about a glucose meter, and how different medications and diagnosis can affect this.
I'm not a medical professional, this is not advice for anyone else in any way.
Every body is different, and responds differently to food based, to use my results as if they are your own is not advisable. Always cosult a doctor first if you have concerns about blood sugar and food.
That all being said, for me, when I had a single Huel Black 400 calorie shake, my blood sugar increased to 83 - 85, and then stayed in that range from 3 - 4 hours. It was stable, and didn't spike up or down. When my blood sugar started to decline, I also felt hungry and it was time to eat. The drop in blood sugar was slow, not percipitous, as would be expected for becoming hungry without a blood sugar crash.
I have been continuing with Huel, and incorporating more exercise, and my baseline blood tests that triggered my diabets scare have dropped. My doctor is very happy with me. I am very happy with Huel.
Original post:
I just recently started eating Huel, I just finished my first two bags, 1 vanilla and 1 chocolate of the Black Edition. I'm drinking two a day of those, and 1 savory meal at night. The mac and cheese is revolting, but I like both of the tomatoes based meals.
I just had my annual physical and my doctor is not happy with me. My blood work is showing I'm getting close to diabetes. So they gave me a glucose monitor at home attached to my arm and phone to monitor my blood sugar post meals. If I can keep my blood sugar in the healthy range post meals I can reverse this.
I just ate my first Huel with the glucose monitor hooked up, and the highest I spiked was 105 mg/dl. That is barely a pop. Resting glucose when I'm hungry is 80 - 84. Super impressive! So now I need to adjust the other two meals I'm eating, which are not Huel, and are not healthy. Here is hoping with these changes and staying on Huel that I'll get my bloodwork healthy and in normal ranges in a couple of months!