Gradiant tube ambient vs play? Vs gradiant strip all with sync box.
I'm quite overwhelmed due to all the variables here.
So far I just got the following by yet to set up.
Hue 8k synx box Ambient strip for 65 TV
I want to add under lighting as well. I have been looking at the gradiant tubes and strips and I'm confused with the following.
1) Is there a gradiant tube ambient and gradiant tube play ? Do they both do the same thing with the sync box ? Is the gradiant play plug and play like the gradiant strip for the TV? How can I tell which model I'm looking at if there is an open box used one. This is my delema. I assumed there was just one gradiant tube and I have postponed buying it until I find this out.
2) I also read in the forums that buying another gradiant strip but the NON play one, I believe 80" and using that below the TV is better. But how do you program it to recognize all the appropriate colors of the bottom of the TV ?
Hopefully this lingo all makes sense to everyone.