I Know I'm Looking for Trouble But ...
I know I'm going to get some amount of heat for this so go ahead, flame and down vote away, but something has been gnawing at me for some time and I have to get it off my chest.
Am I the only one or is anyone else troubled by the number of couples in their 20s and early 30s actively in or pursuing Hotwifing?
Maybe it's my age or a generational thing but it just feels like there's a ... mmm ... a "natural" progression that needs to happen before people can navigate this very complex sort of relationship. I can't even imagine myself at that age being able to emotionally manage these sorts of things and I was pretty out on the fringes sexually when I was younger so I know it's not just because I'm a prude or anything like that.
Don't get me wrong, I understand the appeal of it and my husband and I had a great time with it when we finally made the leap, but I can't help but feel the saying there's a time and place for everything might apply here and couples at that stage of their relationships are not going to have good out comes down the road.
Some of the best times we had with this were in the early stages when the fantasy was building in my own mind, finally sharing our "dirty secrets" with each other, talking and figuring out the boundaries and all the excitement and butterflies in my stomach that came with it, building the trust that finally allowed us to pull it off successfully and so much more.
I don't mean this to be judgmental or anything, to each his own I, just makes me a little sad to think people are missing out on so many of best parts of this of relationship building, by jumping in so young and not taking the time to savor the anticipation and thrill of finally acting.
Is it just me?