Immortality has lost it's meaning

The crux of the Hunt vs Abundance conflict is immortality and how it's actually supposed to be really terrible. This is highlighted by stuff like the Marastruck resulting from accumulating trauma and Blade's miserable existence after becoming immortal. Being immortal apparently sucks so much that Lan became an Aeon to hunt down Yaoshi to stop them from making more people immortal. The Xianzhou Alliance takes draconian measures to stop the spread of any forms of immortality, even potentially lifesaving medicine. The message is clearly that despite its allure, immortality is dangerous and evil.

However, we've had nothing but the contrary. Everyone and their mother is long-lived now and they're not suffering for it. Herta perfected eternal youth and she's fine. People from Penacony like Mikhail, Gopherwood, Old Oti, and Mr. Aideen appear to be able to live for hundreds of years without issue. Demigods and potentially all Chrysors Heirs are also ageless with Mydei being straight-up immortal ala Blade. I wouldn't be surprised if the Masked Fools and higher-ups in the IPC also had their own forms of immortality too. Sure these immortals have plenty of problems of their own but none of them have to do with their longevity. In fact if anything, immortality is strictly a plus for them.

Even in the Hoolay arc, where we're shown what the terrible 'Borsin of Abundance' are like, their villainy is mostly detached from their immortality. They're a bloodthirsty species with a culture of war and conquest. Even if they weren't immortal they'd still be evil so they don't really serve as an inditement of the horrors of immortality. The monk Borsin sidequest shows they can choose to forgo violence so it really seems like a cultural issue for them.

The main counter I've seen to this is that making everyone immortal would cause massive issues with overpopulation which I agree would realistically happen. The problem with that is the Xianzhou Alliance itself. It's an all long-lived species culture that seems to have no issues with overpopulation or resource scarcity, indicating the problem is solvable. That muddles the intended message; the problem goes from "immortality bad" to "the wrong people getting immortality bad".

Now to be fair there might be some readable I missed that explains how overpopulation is still a major issue for the Xianzhou, but that wouldn't change the fact that the main story itself (the only thing 90% of players are going to engage with) has failed to present a strong condemnation of immortality. Especially not with all those characters in other regions showing off how they're immortality with little to no consequence.

tl;dr: You can't go on about how terrible immortality is while making half the cast immortal without consequences.

EDIT: Main comments I'm seeing is that Abundance Immortality (yes, technically not true immortality but longevity) is particularly bad. While Mara is pretty scary, the Xianzhou already created a solution to it: The Ten Lords Commission. Now their ethics are its own debate, but it shows that the main cons of Abundance immortality can be managed with policy and strong enforcement; it's not necessarily evil.

Even disregarding that, my main gripe still comes down to the narrative dissonance of having one of the main ongoing arcs be about the perils of immortality while having similarly long-lived people being out and about in other arcs. Picking and choosing which kinds of immortality are okay makes it harder to see what the writers were going for (though tbf, the Xianzhou writer is probably a different writer from other arcs).