Hoyoverse, PLEASE add Sweep function to HSR's farming

It's already been almost 2 years and I can't believe they still made us sit through the farming side of the combat. ESPECIALLY the relic farms like, why the FUCK do I have to click okay everytime after I clear it ONCE. Just let me set how many run I want to do just like Calyxes farm. And then, don't make me sit through the boring fight? Just let me skip the fight and get my rewards, I already clear it the first time before, I shouldn't need to play it constantly to get the rewards.

I want to be able to just log in, do my dailies, sweep the rest of the energy on a relic farm and what not and then get out. A Gacha game like this shouldn't take more than 5 minutes of playtime if there's no story, event or end game content to clear.

Things I want to be able to sweep: Calyx Weekly Boss Relics Planar Ornament Ascension Material