Max Yeid Crop tips!

Hello fellow mages and witches! I'm about 20hrs into my playthrough and I'd thought I'd share my tips for max crop yield! Just like in real life you'll get sheers after you aquire the broom after Act 1: The Canyon. This is by far the most important tool you will use to maximize crop yield. I would suggest trimming with a full growth meaning if you go to channel. The game will NOT allow it. Take note of all your branches note:

Some branches can give multiple crops.

Some branches can give nothing.

Careful trimming wild plants as you CANNOT reset them.

Best practice I follow:

Does the branch yield a crop? How many?

Max yield pre plant seems to be 3-4. With the more rare plants giving 3 more often.

With crops at the Homestead you can always pick them up and replant them if you keep getting an undesirable growth pattern.

Feel free to reply below with questions! Happy farming!