Massive ping spike every few minutes

Every 5-10 minutes, ms will skyrocket to >800, and immediately go back down. It happens so quick that in cmd prompt when pinging it'll show; 25ms, 23ms, 800ms, 23ms, 24ms, etc

Its almost like clockwork, I can expect it to ping spike and it makes everything freeze up. I've tested a wireless laptop and seen it, and I tested my ethernet desktop and seen it. I got a brand new modem to see if that fixes it, it doesn't. I got a new router to see if that resolves it, it doesn't. I've watched the networking on ping plotter with both devices, and I see the 800s spike at random locations. Even forwarded the recording to someone and they saw it spike at various hops. Called ISP and they sent guys here 3 times in the past 3 months with no luck, they even redid all the cables in the house and locally on the streets, nothing. They don't care to see the ips I screenshotted or recorded the spikes happening at, but tbh I see them spike even at my own router ip so idk what to believe anymore.

EDIT: examples of how this looks: