MET Associate

So I’ve been a MET Associate/Merchandiser at Home Depot for a solid 2 weeks, and honestly I still have no idea what I’m doing. It’s been great so far, I’m just struggling with big projects, confusing planograms and nightmare bay service. I can’t help but feel like a burden or “annoying kid” to my co-worker’s when asking for questions or help. I understand everyone has a lot on their plate so I just try my best and do my task, right or wrong. I take as much advice as possible and thank anyone that has to give it. The first week everyone was cool enough to introduce themselves and give out tips. Any mistakes I made or questions I asked at the time would immediately be excused as “you’re the new guy, don’t worry about it” or “you’ll get used to it quick.” But truthfully, I feel like that privilege of being a new-hire is running out fast, if it hasn’t ran out already. PLEASE if anyone has ANY tips/tricks, explanations, relative experiences or ANYTHING please let me know. (19M)