I've been promoted to customer!
Yesterday I was in the break room, on break, when my DS came in and started talking to me about having me do MET's job. I told him I was not going to do that. I got upset, I admit that, but it was in the break room not in front of customers and he interrupted my break to tell me to do something he shouldn't have told me to do.
Today I was fired for not respecting store management. I'll be honest with you. I haven't had any respect for store management in months. The store has gone downhill ever since we got our current manager. There are bays without netting in the overheads. There are bays without safety cables. We've complained about this for over a year, and nothing has been done about it. I am very happy to be a customer. I will never shop at that store again.
I've been very unhappy for some time now, and my wife has been looking for jobs for me. Yesterday she found a job at Cisco working in a warehouse making twice what Home Depot pays. I suggest you all look for other jobs. They are out there.