AME appreciation threat

While we don't have the full picture yet it is pretty clear, that Ame will be retire from streaming on the 30th of this month.

I have huge respect for what Ame achieved and for the role she played in making the branch EN what it is today and for vtubing in general in the west.

Over the last few months we have not seen that much of her and I personally had a hunch, that something like this could be coming. While we have no official statement at this time I can see her transition into management or some other behind the scenes role, but who knows.

I personally wish her the very best for whatever comes for her next. The way we know Ame I am sure she will give it her all and eventually excel at it.



EDIT: Ame made a statment, in which she says she will NOT be joining the staff, but may show up in future special events.