This took me so god damn long

Went from thinking I'd never beating him to finally getting him on Radiant over the course of uncounted hours of grinding this fight.

After warming up on Attuned today, I decided to do one run on Ascended before trying Radiant - of course I fucking did it hitless. Never did it in less than 3 hits before, I was so mad I didn't immediately fight him on Radiant I couldn't leave off after that 😂

Took me two more hours to repeat the feat on Radiant, so happy I managed to

Went from thinking I'd never beating him to finally getting him on Radiant over the course of uncounted hours of grinding this fight.

After warming up on Attuned today, I decided to do one run on Ascended before trying Radiant - of course I fucking did it hitless. Never did it in less than 3 hits before, I was so mad I didn't immediately fight him on Radiant I couldn't leave off after that 😂

Took me two more hours to repeat the feat on Radiant, so happy I managed to