HistRom readers, why do you think historical romance is "dying" out?
This question has been weighing on my mind for a while now, especially after hearing of so many historical romance authors not having their contracts renewed, moving away from the genre, and/or being asked by their publishers to pivot to other genres (Sarah Maclean, who's coming out with a contemporary this summer, is one of big example).
However, going through the Goodreads "100 Most Popular Romances of the Past Three Years" really drove home for me how how much historical romances have declined in popularity. There isn't a single historical romance on this list that's based on how many readers are adding the respective books to their shelves. To be honest, I rarely see historical romances showing up on any best seller lists like USA Today anymore (not saying they never show up, but it's rare and never at the top).
It also pains me to say this as a lover of the sub genre, but I find myself less and less excited about new releases, which are already so few and far between to begin with. I miss historical romances that evoke the sort of feelings Lisa Kleypas's books, Loretta Chase's Lord of Scoundrels, Elizabeth Hoyt's Maiden Lane series, Kerrigan Byrne's Victorian Rebels, etc. etc. gave me. :( There are a few great authors still writing, but I'm afraid we'll lose even those if this trend continues.