Struggling as a hijabi
Ive been a hijab for over 10 years as i was told by my parents from very young, alhamdulilah. However, I’m struggling with so much i feel like i lack friends, family, salah, faith and honesty everything you can think of. It feels lonely but i can understand that im not alone in feeling this way. Sometimes i get annoyed that i have to hold this standard, this faith all alone. I have no sisters and not anyone who i can talk to, no one to really share my thoughts and feelings because i fear being called heartless about my faith or even questioning it, if you understand. How do i live with so much fitnah around me and although im not missing out on anything neither am i jealous but this negativity affects me. Just so many questions on my mind.
If people have viewed you differently due to your modest (positive or negative) how do you deal with it?
How do you deal with fitnah around you?
What has helped you with your hijab/modesty?