r/sims2 entered its fascist era.

EDIT 6 7 : none of this is an invitation for violence or hate. This is me venting and sharing my frustration on something that happened in the community. i am seen something and sharing how i feel, that's it. I understand that my takes can be controversial , harsh and petty - but I do not hate anyone nor do i wish them ill. this is about accountability and me ranting.

EDIT 8: In compliance to the rules i have deleted the usernames in the screenshots whom I misguidedly blasted in this drama post. I am sorry for doing that. I didn't ask the users and mistakenly though that because it was all posted in public forum I should not respect their right to not get involve in this mess by me basting their username in a drama post. I goof, there is new rules because i goofed, i am sorry about that.

Welp. would you look at THAT.
Power truly do be showing who this person truly is. ( do not believe power corrupts, nope. Just show you who people are)

There are were 2 other moderators in r/sims2 and they co-sing this bullshit. Shame on you lot. (edit 6) one of the mods left , so i am changing the most to reflect that.

Who do they think they are to deem something "low effort post" ; their "low effort post" could be someone "this is the best i can do at the moment, and i am proud of it" why they think they are the authority on art? what a bunch of goofy people. Why can't the rules be workshop with the people in it and moderators? ah?

why are they trying to police the subreddit like that? is so awful. they aren't even open to the commentary of the community they are trying to moderated because they can't even explain themselves, truly power hungry clowns.

Uh, it angers me so. If the community wanted policing well so be it but this is how you go about it? dude nah. this is fascist shit, can't stand it.
Yes leave the sub , do whatever you want this post is not about that , this post is about how this garbage is unacceptable anywhere and people should see and recognize it for what it is. hope we all figure out.
I know is not that deep or a big deal and the internet is not a real place i know i know; this just angers me whenever i see it.
Hope we all figure out. don't let anybody stop you from creating! someone out there really vibe with what you make i promise. *forehead kiss*

Edit: to add a 'on' to "shame on you lot" & to add the images that i didn't realized I didn't add.





Edit 2: lmaaaao it keeps happening.






EDIT 3: if you are following and sipping on this tea. I am going to say it because it doesn't hurt to remind everyone that is not okey to DM someone to make threats on their lives as a request or otherwise. We all angry we come here we vent and we here for that this is the salty bitch support group, the end.
Hope we all know that. they are sorry because they know they had a bozo moment and it can happen to any of us.


Edit 4: okey so the apology text post has being deleted but hopefully you can still see the comments, hopefully. here some:




Edit 5: this will probably be my final edit and input at least for tonight.

Like i said on this post
maybe this are the growing pains of the community and/or the influx of what it seems new people who seem oblivious to the reality of what the internet is specially in a community where its thing is connecting over art (and yes I do think y'all screenshot and stories are ART)

In time things will mellow out (I hope) EA will lose interest in ts2 and move on to their next scam, we will get the started pack back and the community will heal and figure out. Petty drama will never not be a thing (thank god) , the internet is messy ; is just sad to see delulu people trying to sanitize it and having power trips over nothing (the internet is not a real place, just like the sims) , le sigh.