HS smells?
I feel so self conscious about posting this on my main account, but frankly, I need to be more secure about myself in this area of my life - so, here we are.
To get right to it - has anyone else struggled with smells, possibly due to HS? Lately, I’ve been noticing that I can sometimes smell phantom “shit” smells. At first, I thought it was just me being paranoid, having done a quick Google on it - I can be really self conscious about having bad body odor, and I also have a tendency of assuming that I am gross and disgusting due to some previous experiences with people and my anxiety.
However, after doing some research, I’m finding that it could just be the abscesses that are always forming and tunneling around my groin and on my legs. I just ordered the antiseptic wash everyone seems to be recommending, but the smells still haunt me a little. I can’t normally smell them and my friends say I smell fine, but I still get really paranoid about it.
Do abscesses typically smell bad? Even if they haven’t burst? Do you guys wear cologne to cover it up? Deodorant? Careful scrubbing? I’ve had issues with fungal nonsense between my legs as well, which is embarrassing to admit but also feels valid to bring up. I feel so disgusting all the time that I even keep my distance from other people just so I won’t scare them off if I smell. Has it potentially been the HS all along??