Laser Hair Removal - Your Experience & a Piece of Info I Learned this Week
Before I ask a question, I'd like to offer a suggestion. If you're in the US and your dermatologist recommends laser hair removal as an HS treatment, don't automatically poopoo because of the expense. That's exactly what I did and wmy assumption was wrong. There are insurance plans that WILL cover it. It astounded me but it's actually true. If your doctor will give it the green light, it's worth a call to your insurance company.
Now for my question: for those who have it, will you describe your experience? I'm female and my treatment area is in the groin. Only a small amount is in a rather sensitive spot where hair grows.
I'm most curious about the effect. •I don't know what to expect so I don't know if an area is treated and the effect "sticks" (for lack of a better term) so there's never a flare up in that spot again. •What is the permanence like? If there are flares afterwards, are they worse than before? •I was told the full course of treatment would be a little less than a year. What did your time table look like if your treatment was in the groin? •Pain... I'll have topical numbing (cream, gel I guess). Did you have that and still experience pain? Only mild discomfort? Afterwards what was it like? Will I be able to wear underwear or have to go around pantsless for a couple days (legit question)? I have one all black tattoo on my inner wrist. Is it a similar feeling?
Here's some background if it matters: I'm stage 1 but have a lot if scarring and some sinus tract tunneling. I only have 3 spots that are constantly in a state of being either being lesions or draining. I'm 45 and post-menopausal, have an estrogen patch, take progesterone, and I take an embarrassing amount of psycb meds. For HS, I have tried a long (shitty) course of doxycycline + clindamycin.
In closing this long post, I can't go without saying this sub has been invaluable to me. It's what gave me the courage to talk to my dermatologist. Youl let me know I'm not alone in this incredibly isolating affliction. This is my repository for real life experience with things after I've gotten official medical facts that I can't relate to. You made me laugh and cry. In short: I appreciate every post and every comment SO very much. 💗