Why so many in one area?
So I've had various cysts come up in my groin over my 34 years but they haven't been bad for a decade or more. If I got one, it was gone in a few days and done. Well I've had one on my pubic bone for a few years. I've tried lots of things. I've learned here that it's tunneled. I found Hydrochlorus acid through here and it's done a lot of good on the tunneled cyst. However, somehow I gave 4 more on my labia, pubic bone, inner buttcheek out of nowhere. I shower daily. I use this spray multiple times a day and like almost every time I use the bathroom just because. It's so depressing the scars I have down there and the cysts that keep coming up. Some form heads, some don't. 😭
What's even more depressing is I've been seeing a guy I really like and one day that time is bound to come when things get hot and heavy but like I'm afraid to because I'm embarrassed!! 😭 Whyyyy does this have to be a thing?!