2 centimeter hiatal hernia just diagnosed/back pain?/medical fat phobia?

So I was just diagnosed with the hiatal hernia after an esophageal manometry and my gastroenterologist says it’s 2 cm and it’ll go away/heal but I don’t believe them because I was doing my own research and Google says that hernias do not go away on their own that they do need surgery And that they do get worse overtime.

now onto my question; does anybody else have back pain on the upper left side of the back explicitly under the shoulder blade on the rib cage? And does anyone else have a bulge under the left pectoral which is at the same level and position as the pain in their back?

I’ve been dealing with this back pain since everything started in December And I never thought to mention it to my doctor but now that I just learned that I have a hiatal hernia I’m drawing the connection that might be connected to hernia and the bulge under my left breast is the physical outward manifestation of this hernia.

I’ve also been diagnosed with Gerd and sleeping on the left side is the ideal sleeping position but because of this pain on my left side I’m only able to sleep on my back and sleeping on my back gives me such terrible nightmares it sucks

Oh and if anybody has any input on how I might handle myself with the doctors in order to get surgery to fix this or get them to take me seriously it would be appreciated because I do have quite a bit of belly fat and I feel like they are just being fatphobic and writing me off like “oh she’s fat she just needs to lose weight and everything will get better”, because my gastroenterologist is saying that basically everything will get better and be more manageable when I lose weight.

And while I’m not opposed to losing weight Because I’ve been doing it since this all started in December- Weight loss takes a long time and the hernia and this back pain I’m sure will get worse and I don’t wanna wait until I’m skinny to be taken seriously by these doctors to get some sort of relief.