3 Months SE Asia - Osprey 26+6


A couple months ago I posted a trial packing list asking how to lighten my load. https://www.reddit.com/r/HerOneBag/comments/1hn1taz/3_months_se_asia_march_may

I'm heading to Sri Lanka this weekend and will be taking a few flights between countries, so I’ve committed to traveling carry-on only. Thanks to the great advice from this community, I made a few changes to my bag and clothing situation and managed to get my main backpack down to 7.14kg!

I managed to get my hands on the Osprey 26+6 and will be trying out for the first time. While I did love using my previous bag, Forclaz 40L, it weighed 1.4kg alone. I shall be keeping this for any future trips that might require more gear. A lot of people rave about the osprey 26+6 so I decided to grab one while it was still in stock! Other changes I made were to swap my dry bag and toiletry bag for more lightweight styles, reduce the amount of locks and carabiners I was initially going to take, and swap a maxi skirt to a midi dress. One more change I made was swapping my Bluetooth earbuds for over-ear headphones. I was torn between the two but ultimately chose the headphones for their longer battery life and comfort. Also got my hands on a long sleeve rash guard as I plan to do a lot of snorkelling and a few surfing classes. This can also double as a layer for some mountain hikes I want to do in Indonesia.

Here's my full packing list on lighterpack https://lighterpack.com/r/jzhd5b

(Items not packed: Google pixel 7, prescription glasses, packable raincoat and pashmina I'll be wearing to the airport, buff neck gaiter, my packing cube with all my underwear, socks and swimwear, pj shorts, shower cap, spare foam earplugs and tiger balm)