Apologizing to the gods

I really enjoy reading Rick Riordans books (specifically the Percy Jackson ones), and I have a little bit of a stupid question.

Whenever I'm reading them I will get entirely invested in them as I do with most books but when it comes across certain gods and the way they are portrayed I tend to say "omfg I hate (insert deity name here)" and then when I realize what I said I immediately try to apologize saying that I do not mean that I hate said deity I just hate the way that they are portrayed in the story and I hate the character not the actual deity themselves.

I know the gods are hard to offend and I'm pretty sure they know I do not mean them but I feel like I'm over apologizing at this point.

Basically what I'm asking is, is it necessary to continuously apologize to them for this?

It isn't affecting the way that I worship them or any actual feelings about them whatsoever because I would never let something I read affect the way that I feel about anything especially when I know that it's meant to be fiction.

I'm just not sure if I need to be apologizing as much as I do when I read the books when I have already made it clear that I don't mean the actual deities themselves.

Also I'm not sure which tag I should use in this case so if anyone has a better option please lmk.